Junior Inter-Regional Regatta

Junior Inter-Regional Regatta

Congratulations to the sixteen Walton juniors who were selected for the Thames – London regional team to compete at the Junior Inter-Regional Regatta in Nottingham last weekend. Nearly all our crews made the A finals and they contributed to our team coming second overall in this J14-J16 competition between the twelve British Rowing regions. The Walton athletes competing were:

WJ16 2- Izzi Smit/Izzy Hanin

J16 2- Alex Mather/Evan Thomas

J16 4+ Patrick Anderson/Denis Stoimenov/Alex Mather/Evan Thomas + Alec Weidner

J15 2x Charlie Howells/Archie Jennings *Silver medallists

J15 4+ Hugo O’Leary/James Cobbett/Lukas Lewis-Basson/Alexei Semikhodski + Alec Weidner

J14 2x Martim Almeida/Max Colliver

J14 1x Oliver Kwei

Photo by AllMarkOne