Concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury that may alter the way your brain functions. Despite the idea that concussion isn’t serious, it can cause substantial difficulties or impairments that can last a lifetime. Concussion can be caused by direct blows to the head, but it can even occur if a person is violently jolted or pushed (the brain itself moves around) and doesn’t necessarily involve a bump to the head. Concussions are particularly common among teenagers; the symptoms can be subtle, and are often overlooked by parents and teachers.
A person doesn’t have to experience a loss of consciousness for them to have had a concussion. They may remain conscious, but feel dazed. Complications after a concussion can include a blood clot in the brain and can be fatal so it’s important that symptoms are not ignored.
Whilst we often hear about concussions in sport, most concussions happen off the playing field. Teenagers can suffer a concussion often from a simple fall (e.g. from beds, stairs, trampoline, wall, roof, bike, scooter).
Extracted from Brain Injury Hub factsheet
Walton RC policy on concussion
Rowing is not generally implicated as a cause of concussion, but athletes must be monitored closely following any incident. Parents and junior athletes MUST advise their coach if they have had a fall or bang to the head in the previous day, just in case it could have caused concussion. They will probably be advised to take it easy that day and not to single-scull. If concussion has been diagnosed, a longer period of rest from activity is required and the athlete must be signed off by a doctor before returning to normal training.