Hampton SBH: more rain, more wins

Hampton SBH: more rain, more wins

Hampton Small Boats Head saw 30 entries from Walton juniors, the club’s biggest-ever entry. Walton achieved two wins along with four 2nd places, three 3rd places, two 4th places and one 5th, with many other good results coming further down the rankings. Particular congratulations must go to Toby & Gianluca winning J16 pairs and to Patrick & Rowan for winning J17 pairs, and also to Matt and Katherine for their fantastic efforts in WJ18 and J18 singles where they were each just a few seconds off winning in a stacked field containing many Junior GB triallists. As a result of everyone’s efforts in the wind, rain and cold, Walton was the most successful club at Hampton SBH. Well done to everyone who raced!

Photos by Iain Weir / Rowing Photography: more at https://rowingphotography.photoshelter.com/gallery-collection/2018-Hampton-Small-Boats-Head/C00006.lyfHgT_d8




