There will be a General Meeting to elect a Captain for the next twelve months, to agree subscription rates for 2018 and to ratify the Committee’s recommendations for Rule changes aimed at increasing participation rates on the Committee. The meeting will take place on Thursday, 13th July 2017 commencing at 8.30pm in the Clubhouse.
- Apologies for absence.
- Minutes of the corresponding 2016 meeting.
- Election of a Captain for 2017/18.
- Ratification of Rule changes as below.
- Ratification of subscription rates
Election of a Captain for 2017/18
Nominations should be proposed, seconded and given to me, in writing, by 12th July. Please remember that candidates for Captain must have indicated his/her willingness to serve.
Proposed subscription rates
Current Proposed
Full £360 £372
Junior £276 £288
Student £276 £288
Holiday £65 £70
Social £65 £70
Boat rack £170 £180
Boat storage £85 £90
Proposed Rule Changes
These changes would take effect from the date of the AGM with previous terms on the committee not included in the three year limits.
The Officers of the Club shall consist of a PRESIDENT, DEPUTY PRESIDENT, CAPTAIN, DEPUTY CAPTAINS, TREASURER and SECRETARY, who, with the exception of the Captain and Deputy Captains, as provided in Rule 25, shall be elected by ballot (or in the event of there being only one candidate nominated for any office, by a show of hands), at the Annual General Meeting in every year, having been proposed and seconded before the commencement of such meeting.
The office of President will be held for no longer than three consecutive years by any one Member.
No Officer may hold any elected office for more than three consecutive years. However in the event that no one can be found to replace an Officer at the end of three years they may stand for one further year with the agreement of the committee. This rule shall not prevent an Officer from standing for election in a different role or as an Ordinary Committee member.
A Member may be re-elected President for a further term provided he has not held the office for at least one year prior to his election.
A Member may be re-elected to an office for a further term provided he or she has not held the office for at least one year prior to their election.
THE PRESIDENT will preside at all General Meetings of the Club and shall be responsible for guiding the activities of the Club in accordance with its general policy as expressed by the majority of the members. He shall also seek volunteers to cover all roles within the Club and ensure that volunteer activities are reported, co-ordinated and recognised.
VICE PRESIDENCIES are conferred on those who have made an outstanding and significant contribution to the Club or to the sport of rowing. Such a person need not have been a Member of the Club.
A VICE PRESIDENCY is conferred by a General Meeting upon the recommendation of the Committee. A VICE PRESIDENCY is for life and carries the status of a FULL MEMBER but does not incur a subscription.
PAST PRESIDENTS of the Club may attend Committee Meetings in a non-voting capacity unless they are elected to the Committee under Rule 23 or 26.
The Captain shall be elected at a General Meeting to be held during the month of July, having been proposed and seconded before the commencement of such meeting.
The Captain shall be entitled to nominate to the Committee any Member he or she so wishes provided that such Members are acceptable to the Committee; such Members will be deemed Deputy Captains.
There shall not be more than three Deputy Captains in office at any one time.
The general management of the affairs of the Club shall be entrusted to a Committee, which shall consist of the Officers of the Club ex-officio and not less than five nor more than twelve Ordinary Members to be elected at the Annual General Meeting of every year in the same manner as that prescribed for the election of Officers in Rule 23.
No Member may sit as an Ordinary Committee member for more than three consecutive years. An Ordinary Committee Member may however stand for election as an Officer.
In the case of any casual vacancy caused by resignation or otherwise, a Member of the Club shall be appointed by the Committee to fill the vacancy, the Member so appointed shall remain a Member of the Committee until the next Annual General Meeting.