A week before the Silver Sculls we were on red boards and there were forecasts of 22kt upstream gusts. On the day the river was calm and the stream not much above normal for the time of year – good racing conditions for the first event on our stretch for a whole year. With limited entries, and despite the lack of recent racing experience, Walton crews came out well, with the Fastest Men’s 2x (Jan / Crispin) and Fastest Women’s 2x (Typh / Hannah), and wins in WMas 1x (Ali), WJ17 2x (Francesca / Rebecca), J17 2x (Edmond / Richard) and Mas CDE 2x (WLT/BEB composite). Hard-fought second places also for Alex & Eddie in Senior 2x, Gianluca/Joe in J18 2x and Gianluca in J18 1x, Henry/Cyrus in J16 2x and Finley/Max in J15 2x.
Thanks to Weybridge RC for navigating the thicket of rules and running an event!